High Treason? WHO rules the world?

Breaking my silence after some time, simply because this is one chance I have to alert others to the impending treasonous activities happening in the world, while everyone is preoccupied with virtue signaling and, for most, being quite simply too lazy to research things themselves. Current affairs are a distraction. You are intended to take your eye off the ball. Why? Because delegates are meeting in Geneva May 2022 to further the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty.

How does the thought of relinquishing your government’s autonomy to an unelected body, partly financed by the filthy rich, which can call out a pandemic situation at any time and authoriise lockdowns, travel bans, even mandatory jabs grab you? Far fetched? Sadly this is reality. Non participation could result in sanctions and even legal action taken against the countries in question. Needs only a majority vote to introduce these measures. Not a unanimous agreement! And the track record of this Organisation? Dismal, imo. WHO rules the world?

How would you describe that? Your country is brought to its knees against the will of the people or its government. For me, and many others, it is the end of any semblance of democracy. Remember TTIP ? Now envision TTIP on steroids.

Please research. Check it out and draw your own conclusions. But this is urgent! 

Below I have posted an introductory short video. Quite how long that will remain there, I don’t know. Please, please share.

PS Has your news source informed you of this?


Do you wake each day and shudder at the realisation that you are living in your worst nightmare? The plandemic itself is not scary. It’s the cure that’s the problem. For all those who have taken the red pill, this is the realisation of all those so-called conspiracy theories. I can remember when I was awakening around 2006, there were the scare stories of enslaving the human race, the removal of cash and the now very real social credit system (China). They would have us all under surveillance and  we would be microchipped. We would need permission to travel and would basically be living under a harsh totalitarian global government. A sort of mix of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984, on steroids. It sounded horrendous and unbelievable and yet I had sensed and experienced some matters that had already set me thinking. And recalling 1984.

So the present situation is all these things coming into fruition imo. And this is also the opinion of many scientists, medics, virologists etc. Who are immediately denounced as conspiracy theorists if they dare to contradict the official narrative. Although most of them had never even researched anything vaguely alternative and basically kept taking the blue pill. Until things stopped adding up.

It seems obvious to me that many governments are running their Corona management from a script of some kind. Why do measures taken not reflect the situation at that time?  Why has no one ever attempted to pacify and reassure the public? Emergency team members tell us this is the first and most important step to take. Why has no one ever mentioned looking after ourselves? Where is the recommendation about Vitamin C intake, and Vitamin D intake? (So easy if the sun complies).

If, like me, you wonder if the plan will continue according to the script, you will probably find the following reports of interest. The EU script from 2012? Story commences in a Chinese laboratory, the microbe escapes, the WHO is slow to react, resulting in global pandemic. (Sound in any way familiar?) Then read on. And by the way Turkish TV has already discussed this and how the scripted outcome should be avoided at all costs:







Wouldn’t the best tribute on VE Day to those who fought so valiantly for our freedom be a demonstration that the entire nation will not be brought to a standstill because of a bug?