More notable concerns regarding 5G.



Florence, after the Stop5G vote expressed by the XII Municipality of Roma, is therefore the first city in Italy to have formally approved the concerns of the political-institutional world on the dangers originated from the fifth generation wireless, recalled in the motion the ambiguity and the “uncertainty of supranational and private organizations (such as ICNIRP)” that “have very different positions from each other, despite the huge evidence of published studies”, considering that “it would now be established that 5G causes damage to the human body, such as DNA strand breaks”, as the extensive independent biomedical literature produced by the authoritative American biochemist Martin Pall has evaluated.

Florence will use the precautionary principle for the rollout of 5G

And as previously reported, BRUSSELS 5G rollout has been stopped because of health concerns:



Does anyone seriously believe the reassurances about 5G safety, when we all know that the US has a load of money riding on this? We are talking phenomenal amounts, which have been referenced in preceding videos. Voices of dissent are given little attention. Doctors, scientists, politicians in various countries have, however, raised serious concerns and in some cases the rollout has not been permitted. 186 scientists and doctors from 36 countries recommend a moratorium on the rollout of 5G.

They refer to the huge increases in RF exposure for all of us. And add that this technology will affect all life forms. Plants and animals:

Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals.

Complete document https://www.jrseco.com/wp-content/uploads/2017-09-13-Scientist-Appeal-5G-Moratorium.pdf

For those trying to present evidence to those who may be insufficiently informed, this and following sources may be helpful in presenting a more informative picture.


Isn’t that really what we all strive to do? Conspiracies are real enough. But where attention goes, energy flows. So don’t we want to focus our attention on the positives and follow practices which disengage us from the system? In case you hadn’t noticed – this is the present direction and focus of the blog. 5G information is important, but then let us find the best ways of protecting ourselves, if this rollout is unavoidable. Likewise, social media is surveillance, it’s intrusive, it’s trivial and it helps to keep us under control. While we are posting our links and stories, and staving off the trolls, we are less likely to have time to research the things that really put us in control. And Cal Newport is an expert on putting social media in its place.

An associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University his aversion to social media and excessive computerisation is somewhat surprising. An author of six books, his latest “Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World” seems an unlikely avenue to take, for someone in his line of work.

The following interview outlines so many possible hazards of social media use and he also points out how digital workplaces aren’t necessarily more efficient. It certainly hadn’t previously occurred to me that some young adults have never known life offline. That screens were a part of their early childhood and they really can’t imagine life any other way. It saddens me when youngsters sit next to each other and chat online instead of orally; that when people land at the airport their first move is to connect the phone; that people in waiting areas rarely converse with each other because the screen demands attention.

Cal Newport discusses how we can use technology intelligently. He wouldn’t allow his children to have smart phones. He offers advice for the severely addicted so that they can reduce online presence and activity. He suggests going cold turkey is too much for some. So his suggestions:

  • Remove social media apps from mobile/cell phones. (You can still access but not from your mobile device)
  • Try switching onto ‘do not disturb’ mode to ease into a life with more solitude and focus.
  • Investigate ‘analogue’ activities. Enjoyable pastimes that don’t demand online presence.

He suggests trying these things first and then moving on to abandoning social media and getting a life. (My description, not his).

By far the most interesting comment he makes is that constant online activity reduces concentration ability. And he claims that those who have focus are becoming a rarity. Hence, their value in the workplace increases.

The video is well worth listening to while you cook yourself a delicious healthy meal, work out, be creative. Enjoy:


Doctors’ renewed warnings about children’s use of mobile phones caught my attention today. It seems there are numerous reasons why excessive usage could affect social, psychological and physical development. Next up on my attention radar came a timely warning regarding use of social media for all of us.

Couldn’t agree more. Thank goodness I kicked the habit. I was persuaded to become involved in an effort to publicise the blog. Had never had any interest in Facebook prior to that. But the addiction rapidly set in. So much ‘information’. So many like-minded – and otherwise, of course. So much time wasted in fruitless online ‘debate’ – and  plenty of that was spent fending off the trolls. But like any addiction there was a conviction that it could be kept in check, and that in this case it was actually a very positive craving to circulate alternative stories that the mainstream media preferred to ignore.

No morning papers for me, a quick scroll through my wall and ‘friends’ postings was far more interesting, ‘real’ and immediate.  Perhaps this could be described as the kick. Dear old Mark Zuckerberg reportedly engaged Las Vegas experts to ensure that addiction can take hold.

So rewarding to see the like-minded ‘likes’ and comments. So challenging to take on the others and the outright trolls. ‘Take that’ I would say to myself as I hit the enter key. All backed up with facts. What do you have to say to that? Generally  – nothing. Which can be quite disappointing. Of course actual friends also posted everyday stuff, and then a feeling of inadequacy can intrude. No, I haven’t been scuba diving and climbing Ben Nevis today – or ever. Worse still, it seemed judgemental thoughts about friends’ choice of memes etc. frequently had me wondering how they really ticked.

This FB world is a time-waster. And it’s destructive. Vulnerable people have committed suicide as a result of FB comments. It’s false. Its judgemental. And it consumes your valuable time. ‘Bong’ – oh did someone comment there? No, but that personal message from so and so promises to be interesting. It seems the locals are going nuts about proposed new legislation. Never mind FB will convey public feeling and put a stop to it. Yeh – right.

When I noticed just how controlled and manipulated things appeared, it was obvious that this was something I should never have signed up to. The videos that showed people harming animals never seemed to cease. Yet political stuff seemed to quickly get the chop, even warnings about this blog appeared. Could be insecure. (These were quickly removed btw. When FB friends ‘liked’ my post questioning the basis for this).

And then of course we discovered just how much data was being harvested about us. Who needs this intrusion into their lives and habits? Those who are striving to make a name for themselves? No way. The young naively post things they may so regret when a prospective employer checks out their page. The young entrepreneur feels she needs a presence. Nope. Please check out this great talk below about weaning yourself off social media and why it really is not essential to promote your skills on FB.

Without social media you may well find calm, time and a total lack of knowledge about the latest news and views. Ohm.

PS YouTube and blogs could be loosely seen as social media, but in both cases I view them as a source of alternative information. I never log into Youtube, so no danger of getting caught up in rantings and trolls’ comments.

And breathe… 🙂


Still unsure? This puts it clearly. The prime reason – saving time – definitely the biggest plus. While we are kept busy chatting and ‘discussing’ on the keyboard we have less time to seek real solutions to issues and it reduces time spent on research regarding all those things that make life worth living:



Remember the concern regarding possible inbuilt spyware in 5G systems? What else could these transmitters be capable of?

No worries. They are just determined to roll out wall to wall 5G because the entire western world is concerned that we can’t download our videos speedily enough, when  out and about.

Makes perfect sense. Right? Lack of money for so many essential services, but 5G is essential to improve smart phone use. Be sure to check out Tom Wheeler 2.50 minutes:



Thanks to a reader for querying the video entitled Brussels says ‘no’ to 5G. Thought I’d added the link to reports about this, but it seems not.

While some refer to the World Health Organisation proclamations in defense of permitting this untested military weapons grade frequency to be placed very close to humans, others feel a responsibility towards others:

Brussels suspends 5G plan

Military trials of electro magnetic radiation:


We are told that climate change is all down to the CO2 issue. (Btw. didn’t climate always change? Ice Age? Warm period? )Yet such things as the massive effects of sun activity are ignored. My take on this: you can’t tax or control the sun. And come to think of it – where are the CO2 protestors when it comes to all the trees that are mercilessly felled on a daily basis worldwide? Why not a squeak about the removal of trees to accommodate 5G?

Natural solutions are always welcome. Please enjoy the two videos below about those who are (successfully) working to reverse deserts into moist and green landscape. Hope to add some more messages of hope in the near future.


It’s so easy to say that the World Health Organisation is cool with 5G, so let’s just roll it out. Because even though I’m a doctor I won’t use any brain cells to research wireless technology and the effects on human physiology. At least, that’s the message I take from a certain Public Health Officer’s response to questions on 5G.

Thank goodness some can think for themselves and are prepared to stand up and be counted. (It’s worth reminding ourselves that military personnel have known of these effects for decades. Strange that doctors aren’t aware). It’s worth listening to Dr Sharon Goldberg say it like it is:


A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold.

He also suggests some basic precautions we can take to reduce our exposure and health risks.