Although this case has been going on for some time, and despite the fact that I have received emails regarding this I lacked the resources to investigate further so I am pleased to be able to post this video which gives an insight into the case of Grandma B. (Not a youtube video so please klick the link).


This has to be shared  – and saved on the blog for future reference. Inspiring interview with a cancer patient who had been abandoned by the medical profession because they had nothing left to offer. Palliative care was all that was available. Fortunately, this lady took control of her life and took steps to turn her health around. The images speak for themselves. Another reason to take charge of your health.

There’s no quick fix. It is about lifestyle changes and good food. Is that really such a price to pay to save your life?

Be well.

By manxasthehills Posted in Health


If you have checked out the internet for nutritional information and advice, you will probably have noticed how much of the information is completely contradictory. Where do you start? In my case I was already reading labels to avoid additives as I had noticed years ago that junk food caused migraines. That is one piece of advice I feel it is safe to pass on to anyone: Dump the junk. We really are what we eat. How is your body to function properly when it is constantly having to try and rid itself of toxins instead of using the energy for healing? Above all many junk food ingredients are born in the laboratory. Does that sound compatible with natural physiology? Our bodies are just not designed to cope with these ingredients, which are usually decidedly lacking in nutritional content. It is second nature to me to scan labels for ingredients. Yet I find that many simply take things at face value.

I was offered ‘Water with just a hint of fruit juice. Really, there’s nothing in it.’ Despite the hype on the bottle, the label revealed that it contained a lot of junk. Sadly this lady could see no issue and was convinced she was consuming a healthy drink. If you purchase an item bearing claims of healthy, low-fat, low sugar etc etc BEWARE. Even when there are claims such as: contains no GM, no artificial flavouring and no trans fatty acids, it is still essential to peruse the ingredients because you may well find that it does include artificial preservatives and sweeteners etc. These guys are clever. They react to the most recent headlines and make sure that they can boast that their products are free from these items. Who said they wanted to make it ‘healthy’? And anyway, what is healthy? That description should be banned from processed foods IMO.

I use no ‘ready’ products and purchase as much locally-produced, naturally grown products as possible. Even what is available in ‘health’ stores requires careful checks. Especially if it is part of a US-based chain of stores, selling US products. Remember that GM (genetically modified) foods are not labelled in the US. So if it is not labelled as organic there is a good chance that it is GM. And I wonder how easy it is for organic growers in the US to keep their crops free from stray GM? Personally, I avoid foods from the US. If you are a US resident I would suggest farmers’ markets and growing your own. Nothing is uncontaminated these days but we can do our best to avoid heavy contamination and unhealthy ingredients.

GM ‘foods’ are simply a no-no for me. But even so-called ‘conventional’ fruit and vegetables are loaded with chemicals. A nurse told me that she had had breast cancer although she was consuming a lot of salad at the time. (Sounds like another contradiction doesn’t it?). However, her oncologist put it down to the fact that she was eating ‘conventional’ salad i.e. sprayed with chemicals. So there you have it, some medics are aware of this issue. And while some acquaintances and friends are astonished that I go out of my way to source organics rather than purchase ‘conventional’ vegetables the fact is that organics are conventional. That is the way they have been growing for millennia. The so-called ‘conventional’ fruit and vegetables should display a warning that they are laced with a chemical cocktail, in my opinion. And US stores should be compelled to admit that many of the products are GM as well, I would say. How tasty and tempting would they appear then? There is nothing freaky about organics. They are simply naturally grown fruit and vegetables, as nature intended.

Does seeking good food all sound like a lot of bother? It becomes second nature and if improved health is what you seek then that is the only way to go, in my experience. And don’t forget that this is the simplest form of rebellion. The huge corporations that produce junk food can easily be brought to their knees when we stop consuming their wares. Please note that McDonalds is currently closing hundreds of ‘restaurants’ worldwide, as consumers choose healthier options. We really do have the power.

I have yet to touch on looking at liver health as well as what I actually eat and what I avoid. Hopefully, the above has been helpful for some who are starting out on the journey to find optimal nutritional sources and improve their diets.

Be well.

By manxasthehills Posted in Health


Should have posted this long ago. Vital information about the effects of wifi, TETRA etc. The powers that be continue to claim there is no issue. However, following a recent ban on wifi in nursery schools imposed by the French government we can assume that Electro Magnetic Frequencies are not quite as benign as is claimed. It is a known fact that the USSR used this technology against US consulate staff. Bees and cattle are known to be affected by telecom masts. Use with caution: