

Is it just me or does anyone else feel we are being taken to the cleaners? Over the years things seem to have gone from bad to worse. Public money is shelled out on schemes our government deems worthwhile, while members of the electorate query, protest and ultimately are totally ignored – or worse still responded to in a patronising manner by our head honcho. We are stupidly being distracted by backbencher games. We are unaware of the ‘plan’ and should not criticise. Now we, the silly old electorate, are unaware of the repercussions resulting from the ousting of Mr Shimmin – and it seems the department has been robbed of a highly competent member who is ensuring the island flourishes. If things go downhill now, well it is probably our fault as well.

How conveniently the MEA debt has been swept out of sight. A debt that can never be repaid. But a rigorous investigation ensuring those responsible would be held to account would be far too costly, we were told. Far too costly? Peanuts surely in comparison to the huge sum we will never pay off, with or without toilet tax.

Safe in the knowledge that the electorate simply accepted this statement the CM could be forgiven for believing that government has carte blanche to continue in the same manner. Hardly surprising then that there have been no attempts to introduce accountability into government spending, resulting in further waste of public money and questionable outgoings, with a lack of satisfactory paper trails.

A few examples: IRIS inadequacies and the response to the problems, addressed only after the guarantee period had lapsed. Bendy bus experiments costing six figure sums, I believe, although any layperson could have predicted that the introduction of this type of vehicle would not be feasible. The purchase of a new locomotive – although most of us are not sure why this was essential. The Pinewood ‘deal’ of which no one outside of the inner sanctum can fathom the intricacies of this ‘investment’. The consultants engaged by government under very opaque circumstances. The Sefton saga. The list goes on.

Do we hear apologies or even the suggestion that these things must be made more transparent? As if! Following the toilet tax, the present suggestion is that children pay for school buses. The children will not be paying it will be the parents, by the way. But why stop there? Why not introduce parking meters and really cripple local business? Let’s face it – for those in outlying districts it is simply easier and cheaper to order online than it is to travel to towns and pay parking fees, while also risking a fine if we should be criminal enough to overstay the allotted time.

Many are stating that the old guard will not be returned at the next election. Does anyone seriously think that will change things? We need to know who is pulling the strings because the next set of muppets puppets will fall in line just as easily as our present ‘yes men’ have.

Who is really pulling the strings?



No warming in seventeen years and nine months:

The pause continues – Still no global warming for 17 years 9 months

yet the hysteria continues. Where is the logic here? Where is the conventional room for scientific debate? Amid threats, and even fear for his life, another scientist speaks out about IPCC pressure to adhere to the dogma or risk your future credibility in climate science circles. Professor Lennard Bengtsson has resigned from the Global Warming Policy Foundations advisory council stating:

I thought joining the organisation would provide a platform for me to bring more common sense into the global climate change debate.

‘I have been very concerned about tensions in the climate change community between activists and people who have questions.

This is not the first negative remark about the IPCC’s adherence to dogma, while it seemingly suppresses any evidence which contradicts the myth ( definition: a widely held but false belief or idea).

The scare stories continue. The 50,000,000 climate refugees forecast for 2010 thankfully did not materialise.  The predicted warming is simply not happening  – but why let facts stand in the way of a hugely profitable industry based on a dubious theory? However, the most curious part of all this is total lack of reference to the weather modification programmes which have been going on for decades. There exists  no global database on who is spraying what and where and hence no information on how this impacts the climate (if there is a climate issue). Yet the climate clowns continue the brainwashing and ensure that those who are out of step are simply not heard. There is no debate. If you question this topic you become a ‘denier’. What kind of science is that? Not very reliable science, I would suggest.

Where is the warming? Please explain how you build up a global movement based on a myth. Words like profit, control and jobs come to mind.