The UK connection?

So if you have been patiently following all the blog posts about the US, various presidents’ references to secrecy, the Council on Foreign Relations, collectivism etc., you might be wondering how this could possibly have any connections with the UK, let alone the Isle of Man. As previously mentioned, I don’t believe it is possible to pinpoint any one organization as being instrumental in achieving certain aims. It seems possible that many well-known organizations have been infiltrated at higher levels without the knowledge of most of the members. That’s my take on this, anyway. For this reason I don’t feel it is essential at this point to discover which organization is pivotal in all this. After all we only (!) need to ensure we have a well-functioning Freedom of Information Act, transparency in government and also ensure that we are alert to new legislation and make our opinions known when necessary.

Incidentally, don’t you think that one world government is a little unrealistic at the moment? It seems difficult to imagine China, India, Russia etc happily bowing to the recommendations of the CFR. However, what alerted me to all this in the first place is the fact that I sense dictatorship in my daily life and have become aware of the very limited and dumbed-down mainstream media reports, the lack of adequate input from all parties involved in news stories and the lack of investigative journalism, the restrictions on freedom of choice and the seemingly irrelevant yet stringent legislation we are being bombarded with. It wasn’t a case of being naively open to conspiracy theories. No, it was the other way round. I was aware of the problems and the alternative news sources answered my questions.

While one world government seems unlikely at this stage, the fact remains that we are being dictated to and controlled in our daily lives to an ever-increasing degree. Much of the controlling legislation appears to emanate from the EU and some US – orientated organizations. It is also apparent that collectivism is rearing its ugly head so it is conceivable that perhaps the first stage of the ridiculous plans of the globalists is to harness the EU and the US. How would it be possible to implement globalist plans in a small nation such as the Isle of Man, you ask? It seems likely that the same means as anywhere else would also be effective here. Secrecy, non-transparency and infiltration are obviously not in the interests of the people.

In the third video on the Globalism or collectivism post G Edward Griffin refers to the fact that it all originated from the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Interestingly, this group is now primarily known as Chatham House. Chatham House is also known for Chatham House Rules where records of meetings are not kept, this is supposed to enable more frank discussions. One of the more well-known users of Chatham House Rules is Common Purpose.

Common Purpose (CP) is a Charity, based in Great Britain, which creates ‘Future Leaders’ of society. CP selects individuals and ‘trains’ them to learn how society works, who ‘pulls the levers of power’ and how CP ‘graduates’ can use this knowledge to lead ‘Outside Authority’.
Taken from:

CP apparently selects many potential graduates from the police and we are told that Merseyside Police spent a total of £40,654 on CP courses in a period of ten years. This information was obtained as a result of a request under the FOI act:

Do we really need police to “lead beyond authority”? I leave you to make up your mind about this information. Do we need more transparency? Do we need a Freedom of Information Act? Why not pass on the URL to others who are not yet awake?

Globalism or collectivism?

Edward Bernays tells us:
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
Taken from Organising Chaos

“Intelligent manipulation of opinion” is surely also dependent on secrecy and non-transparent organizations. The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group are frequently considered to be less than transparent but very influential. A comment on the Bilderbergers in the EU parliament

(Note: Should you have problems viewing the videos that “contain content from UMG” they are easily viewable on Youtube. As far as I can tell it is merely a copyright issue on the background music. The video is quite sound).

A condensed version of basic details so far leads us at the conclusion of the following clip to the New World Order. This clip contains many prominent politicians repeating this phrase. Some say that this phrase now has such negative associations that it has been renamed “globalism.” How many times do we hear about global warming, global currency etc.? G Edward Griffin referring to the Council on Foreign Relations states: The avowed purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is to create a New World Order, a global government based on the model of collectivism. Remember the definition of collectivism? It is described as a form of communism. A global government based on a form of communism? Does anything about that sound in any way attractive to you?

The reasoning behind the New World Order proposal?
[The] American business community was also very impressed with the propaganda effort. They had a problem at that time. The country was becoming formally more democratic. A lot more people were able to vote and that sort of thing. The country was becoming wealthier and more people could participate and a lot of new immigrants were coming in, and so on.
So what do you do? It’s going to be harder to run things as a private club. Therefore, obviously, you have to control what people think.

Taken from History is a Weapon by Noam Chomsky

G Edward Griffin goes on to explain that the process must be incremental. Well, no dictator has ever stood up and declared the details of the real plan, have they? We are certainly getting things set in place with a proliferation of CCTV and “protective” measures. Remember what they told the East Germans when they erected the Berlin Wall? It was to protect people from the world outside. The Nazis also constantly referred to the danger posed by enemies. This is an old, old trick. Could it be that the terrorist threat that compels us to endure CCTV in shopping areas, the indignity of body scans at airports etc is not quite such a threat as we are led to believe? As always, there is money to be made out of this. I wonder who has shares in CCTV and body scanners? (Well, there’s plenty of information about a particular share holder in body scanners but I’ll post that another time).

More dot joining to follow..