This blog has frequently posed the question of whether the island has Common Purpose graduates in government – or local government – and what the cost of training might be. How would we know? The skeet is that things aren’t always transparent in Town Hall dealings, so I’ve been told anyway but I’m not making any allegations… However, we do need to know if money is being wasted on these highly expensive and extremely questionable courses. NLP is used in such courses. Neuro Linguistic Programming can be very beneficial but if it is being used without knowledge or consent of those involved then we have issues of ethics and legality.

We are told that those who have been unknowlingly NLP’d are completely unaware of changes in their thinking, although those close to them usually notice behaviourial changes. It’s about playing with minds – and achieveing uncharacteristic change. Yet this manipulation of those in positions of power may well go unnoticed. Common Purpose training has been endemic in UK government, local government, police, social work departments etc etc. Do you think we are immune to it here when we import so much of our governmental setup and workers from the UK?

Town halls should stop spending a fortune on  expensive leadership training courses run by groups such as Common Purpose, Eric  Pickles has said.

The Local Government Secretary called on  councils to spend less on the organisation, described as the Left’s answer to  the old boys’ network, which provides leadership advice.

He said it was wrong that town halls spent  thousands of pounds sending staff and councillors on such courses at a time when  front-line services were under threat.

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has launched a booklet for councils called '50 Ways To Save Money'Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has launched a  booklet for councils called ’50 Ways To Save Money’

The advice was contained in a booklet, 50  Ways to Save, which includes ideas from Mr Pickles on how to make deeper cuts  without affecting public services.

Last month the Daily Mail revealed that  Common Purpose had direct or indirect links to three of the assessors to the  Leveson inquiry, including Sir David Bell.

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