Police Intelligence Analyst says terrorist threat within UK government

Police Intelligence Analyst, Tony Farrell, used his analytical skills to assess the terrorist threat in the UK.  That was his job. Following his normal objective procedures he became utterly convinced that the terrorist threat was within the UK government. Further research alerted him to the broader picture.

As a Christian he felt compelled to report truthfully about his conclusions. He was aware of the possible far-reaching consequences but felt he had no choice. Eventually, he lost his job as his position was considered unviable. However, he tells us that he has been encouraged to use appeal processes and leaves us with the impression that some members of the police didn’t actually disagree with him but perhaps felt unable to take the risks that Farrell has taken.

Please try and ignore the introductory techno music effects and the format of the show if it’s not your thing.  Tony Farrell seems very rational, truthful,  sound and convincing:



If the media does not supply us with an objective view of world matters, if we are fed one-sided, biased information and we do not seek other views then it seems reasonable to conclude that this could change our perception of reality. Therefore the sole consumption of British mainstream news is not helpful in our search for reality.

The Murdoch scandal is now being milked by mainstream (the focus on every single sleazy detail as it is released  is unfortunately diverting attention from other important stories). However, it certainly gives us an insight into how much power and influence media moguls wield. We may ponder why top leaders are so keen to maintain friendships with those involved in the gutter press. There are obvious attempts by leaders to woo and win over the press but we shouldn’t be too taken in by this. The fact is that mainstream withholds facts and has an obscured agenda. So our best approach is to obtain our news from various other sources as well. Thanks to the internet and satellite TV this is now easily possible.

To restrict ourselves to consuming one-sided reports can change our perception of reality and this is what Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB agent who defected to the west, viewed as demoralisation. He saw this as one stage of four designed by the communists to brainwash  populations of other countries.

In the early 1980s G Edward Griffin interviewed Bezmenov who explained to  Griffin that James Bond is little more than a Hollywood money-maker. In reality espionage was only a small percentage of the methods employed to attempt to achieve soviet aims. The main method of infiltration was idealogical subversion. This subversion did not end with the demise of the Soviet Union. Idealogists exist all over the world. And Bezmenov explained to Griffinthat it had become a case of US citizens against US citizens.

Bezmenov’s four steps required to take control of a nation are as follows:

1)      Demoralisation – losing touch with reality

2)      Destabilisation –  financial issues, employment etc

3)      Crisis – as a result of the above

4)      “Normalisation” – so called. This is life under collectivist communist control

Demoralisation was accomplished by placing enough sympathizers in schools and in the media. He also refers to useful idiots employed to accomplish demoralisation. Where have we heard that before?

It’s an interesting interview:


Media has a massive yet unquantifiable effect on us. We need to handle with care and seek many sources of news.