One thing I noticed while doing this research and looking at scientists involved was the density of the linkages with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. So I investigated further and thought it’s really quite astonishing the extent to which many, if not most, prominent scientific researchers in geoengineering in the U.S. worked at Livermore or have close links with people there now or those who used to work there.

Then when I read Hugh Gusterson’s book on Livermore and it’s role in the cold war and nuclear weapons development, ….. I think it’s quite alarming in its implications. ……. we do know that people in the military and related strategic communities are starting to think about geoengineering and what it would mean for international relations and conflict.

The above is taken from an interview with  Clive Hamilton author of Earthmasters, which takes a look at the topic of geoengineering. Sadly, the book does not appear to touch on the ongoing aerial spraying which has been cited as a cause of climate change. It is that elephant in the room again. However, the dangers of this practice are evident.:

Joe Romm, for one, likens geoengineering to a dangerous course of chemotherapy and radiation to treat a condition curable through diet and exercise — or, in this case, emissions reduction.

Residents of Maui, Hawaii, are so concerned about the deterioration in local fruit and vegetable harvests, which appears to correlate with the extreme aerial spraying in this area, that they are drafting ‘Clear sky’ legislation:

NaturalNews) The mainstream news media has been quietly releasing an increasing number of stories these days that openly admit the existence of geo-engineering programs, including accounts of various chemical and particle release programs similar to the “chemtrail” operations that those dubbed as conspiracy theorists have been warning the public about for years.

Consider this recent report in Scientific American, for instance, which speaks openly about plans in the UK for an advanced new device that will pump toxins in the atmosphere to promote atmospheric “cooling.” The article references how the new design is much more efficient and less expensive than “launch[ing] thousands of high-altitude aircraft” to do the same task (…).

There is a plethora of additional information and reports out there as well that confirm the existence of geo-engineering and chemtrail programs, many of which have been shown to already be in use, not to mention thousands of eyewitness reports and independent particle tests.

So in response, Michael J. Murphy, co-producer of the documentary What in the World Are They Spraying?, and a large and growing group of concerned citizens in Maui, Hawaii, have created a county ordinance by which they hope to put an end to this environmental terrorism.

If you have yet to see Murphy’s film for yourself, be sure to watch this 11-minute trailer to gain some further insight into the geo-engineering agenda:!

In a recent press release, Murphy explains that he and his team, with the help of a growing base of concerned citizens, are working to pass The Clean Sky Ordinance, a law that will ban any and all geo-engineering and chemtrail programs from taking place in the skies above Maui County.

The ordinance, which is currently being sponsored by several public officials and council members in the area, prohibits the release of aerosols and other particulates into the atmosphere without informed consent from the people of Maui County.

You can watch a video that highlights the birth of the ordinance here:

Murphy is also encouraging citizens of counties across the US to craft similar legislation, and work to get it passed in their own areas as well.

To learn more about how to fight illegal geo-engineering in your community, visit:

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