Civil servant confirms that Freedom Bus is on the right track

Hi Folks,

A Lovely Call …
Got a call today, from a senior ranking civil servant called *****.
She shall currently remain nameless. The lady was kind enough
to express that she fully supported our efforts to educate the
people of Eire, and iterated that we were 1000% correct in our
understanding of the three main things that we are teaching.

2. Securitisation and
3. Fractional Reserve Banking.

Qualified to Talk.
The lady has a Degree in Economics and Politics, & involved in
Banking (the Central Bank of Ireland) for approx. 20 years. Her
credentials speak for themselves. Not that they need to.

Senior Civil Servants.
She told me; “there are quite a few people at her senior level,
that support our work and are ready to openly participate and
advocate taking this Corporate Government apart … and more
than willing to facilitate demolishing the Central Bank of Ireland”.

No More Manipulation.
She also commented that she & many of her friends & colleagues
were “no longer willing to participate in the destruction of the lives
of the People of Ireland”. That this mood was rife also amongst the
senior ranks of Gardai and of the Army. Also, that The Common Law
Society had played a very direct part in ostracising and forcing MBNA
to leave. That it was no longer financially viable to stay here as the …
“Irish People can no longer be manipulated and bullied into paying”.

Banksters to Leave.
This was quite a refreshing call to get …
We are not alone folks. Now is the right
time for all of us to ask more appropriate
questions, and NOT PAY another cent to
any Banksters until they leave.

Our ancestors have starved and were forced to leave this land. They did
so under Imperialist Tyranny. Let’s pay a small tribute to the millions of
our people that have paid such a heavy price. All that is left for us to do
is to simply STOP PAYING!      Then the Banksers will leave us in peace …

Read This.
You can do so Legally, Lawfully and Non-Violently!
Just start by reading this:

Spread the Word!
Please pass this email on to ALL your friends and family.
It may well save their lives, family, homes & businesses.

The very best for now; love & peace.
Darrell: oftheancientclan O’Deagadh
m: 085 173 5737 | e: darrell(at)thecommonlawsociety(dot)com
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New York Times – EU democracy deficit

——–”NEWSFLASH” ——– Europe has a “Democracy deficit” NYT Admits FACT!

NYT Finally Reports Eurosocialist Autocracy

American Thinker 25th Aug 2011

It’s gotten so obvious that even the New York Times has taken notice.  Europe is no longer governed by old-fashioned electoral democracies. That fact is even acknowledged by the European Union, which admits that, yes, Europe does have a “democracy deficit.”  Czech President Vaclav Klaus has seriously compared the EU to the Soviet Union. The cynics now call it the EuroSoviet Union.

What the EU fails to admit is that its Ruling Class routinely tells endless lies to the voters, with no fear of consequences. The Ruling Class controls  most of the media, including the UK Guardian and the BBC — the Pravda and Istvestiya of modern Britain.
The resulting massive corruption, ideological rigidity, leftwing insanity, taxpayer exploitation, and sheer misgovernment is unbelievable; surrendering to Islamic radicalism is just a small part of it.

When Prime Minister Gordon Brown ran for election last year, a motherly lady asked him about out-of-control immigration from Talibanistan.  Gordon Brown smiled like a Cheshire Cat, got back in his shiny limo, and called her “an old, bigoted woman.”  It went on YouTube, and ole’ Gordon lost.  Without YouTube he might still be in power.

The newspapers used to do that for us.

In London the Parliament has become powerless, like the Queen. European. Parliaments are Hollywood fronts. Voting for your MP is like voting for Da Mare in Chicago: You know it can’t make any difference.

The big surprise is that the New York Times has finally reported Europe’s “democracy deficit.” Even though the NYT is sweating blood every day to create the same power-abusing Ruling Class here.

The headline reads E.U. Elites Keep Power From the People. Written by Judy Dempsey,  the article quotes great philosopher Jürgen Habermas, who finally dropped the penny:

“The political elites “are burying their heads in the sand,” he said … “They are doggedly persisting with their elitist project and the disenfranchisement of the European population.”

The Ruling Class are mostly socialists. Barack Obama is a perfect example of the species.  Obama cannot tolerate criticism; he is beyond criticism.  Imagine ten thousand officials like Obama in the new EU capital of Brussels, and you’ve got the idea.

The Elite’s infallibility is their basic assumption in life. This follows Stalin’s reported advice: It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes.

Yes, conservative critics have been saying all that for a couple of decades, and it is good news that the NYT finally decided it was Fit for You to Read. The excellent  British blog Euroreferendum puts it this way:

“People are fed up with politics and politicians because they know that their vote has little impact … Victims of crime cannot change their local policing  …  because these are decided by central government.

… The European Commissioners are effectively a one party state;

… Central government has taken on so many responsibilities that it is not possible for the politicians to discharge their responsibilities adequately, with a result that vital decisions are delegated … to civil servants … .

… The State has a lousy track record as a supplier of health and education services. … There is a common feeling of helplessness that officials, more than elected politicians, run the country.

… over 60 percent of the laws … are created by people who have not been elected and cannot be removed in elections.”

Might we need an international Tea Party?  Socialism is an internationalist  one-party creed.  It may take an international coalition of  normal people to bring the Ruling Class down to earth.
Read More : American Thinker

The British public, though, is still slow to take to blogs – preferring the safety of the MSM sites and the nanny BBC. And as long as they – and the rest of the clogs – cream off the traffic, our impact is going to be limited. Too many of our countrymen, it seems, prefer their intellectual chains.